History of the old home near Rome

Enchanting Residence built in 1400

Casale della Falcognana is an enchanting home, located just 14 km from Rome, and offers its enchanting interiors to everybody who would like to relive, even if it is only for a few days, the fascinating history of the Roman countryside.




Ambienti Rilassanti


Casale della Falcognana

Dimora del '400

Una storia che l'antico Casale della Falcognana, oggi bellissima e suggestiva location per nozze ed importanti eventi a Roma, porta scolpito sulle sue mura e sulla classe e l’eleganza che caratterizza la sua struttura. Nel lontano 1400 il Casale era posseduto dal monastero di San Sisto, che ottenne la facoltà di venderlo da Papa Bonifacio VIII. Ma il Casale storico vicino Roma sotto Martino V ospitò anche la casa Colonna e poco dopo, nel 1432, fu venduto da Odoardo Colonna a Giacomo di Alessio Cenci.

Immersi nella Storia

Un Casale dunque segnato da storia, eventi, tradizioni e grandi casate che nel 1903 Domenico Lanza acquistò dal Principe Boncompagni
per giungere poi a noi, incantevole location per banchetti in Provincia di Roma, con tutto il suo antico e intramontabile splendore.

Casale della Falcognana

About Us

"Live a party like a home"

We knew the Casale della Falcognana for a previous marriage spent in this simple but wonderful place. We met Graziella and the staff of Ristogatti almost by chance and it was immediately love. We were treated very well, Graziella and Livia accompanied us until the wedding date, fulfilling our every wish ...

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Lidia Marianna Scorretti

In our marriage food was the first thing to take care of and with this catering we did it great! We had already tasted dishes at a wedding of friends and we were in love with it ... It was all special, people did nothing but compliment us on the goodness and freshness of the dishes ... They take only villas with kitchens because they cook on the spot and you can hear it!

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Maura Iacomussi

My guests didn't miss a course! To say that their cuisine is good, it's little! The ingredients are fresh and of the highest quality ... I do not need to add much, their cuisine describes itself ... You will realize it by tasting. Graziella is an angel ... As far as she can, she satisfies every request. I'm really really satisfied ... Thanks

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